
Use Your Intuition

One of my favourite books as a child was Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. (And Whoopi Goldberg on Star Trek: The Next Generation was also an idol – imagine how happy I was when she was in the recent film adaptation of L’Engle’s novel!)

I loved portal fantasy stories–when someone (or a group or family members) has to go through some kind of magical tunnel or device to access a new world. So many possibilities become available in this scenario, it made my head spin. In a good way.

I write paranormal romance and fantasy romance to remember those days, when everything was possible and the world was shiny and new. 

I still want the bad guys to lose and the good girls to win. To stretch myself and imagine things differently.

My journey to become an author pushed me to develop my courage and determination. It also permitted me to go outside of the rational and logical sides I over-developed as an academic and get back in touch with my intuitive, artistic side.

I come from a musical and artsy family. My father still paints landscapes, and he is turning 80 this year! We have paints and pencil crayons and musical instruments and books all over my house and I wouldn’t have it any another way.

What can you do today or this week to get in touch with your intuition, to try and see things differently and expand your mind?Take a moment to consider how this might make your life better and share in the comments!