Fated Mates Part 1

Fated Mates Part 1

Pin It Fated Mates Have you heard of Fated Mates? Twinned souls or twinned flames? Fated Mates is one of my favourite paranormal romance tropes. It’s a delicious dynamic between lovers who are propelled together by fate, who may fight against their attraction,...

Finding Your Voice

Finding Your Voice My father is an artist. My mother is a singer. But just for fun. They ran a family business all their married life and retired a few years ago. Now they can pursue their hobbies more fully, instead of trying to carve out a little time for their...

Family First

Family First I had an idyllic childhood growing up in the Muskoka-Georgian Bay area of Ontario, Canada. Cottage country, it’s called, and has been for more than a century.   It’s a strange combination of elite consumer society and natural...