Fated Mates Part 2

Fated Mates Part 2

4 Traits of Fated Mates Have you heard of Fated Mates? Twinned souls or twinned flames? Fated Mates is one of my favourite paranormal romance tropes. It’s a delicious dynamic between lovers who are propelled together by fate, who may fight against their...

Use Your Intuition

Use Your Intuition One of my favourite books as a child was Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. (And Whoopi Goldberg on Star Trek: The Next Generation was also an idol – imagine how happy I was when she was in the recent film adaptation of...

New Year’s Traditions

Queen Elizabeth’s New Year’s Gifts I love the Tudor English tradition give New Year’s gifts. Before Christmas became a tradition in the 19th c., English folks would send friends and family gifts to celebrate the new year. The photo above is a sweets...